Cigar Trophy
1–11 June
Starting Time GMT
From June 1–11, 2021, cigar lovers are welcome to nominate their favorite cigars (from various countries of origin), cigar accessories and cigar lounges. A shortlist of the top 5 nominees will move on to the final voting from June 21 to July 2, 2021. The winners of the Cigar Trophy 2021 will be announced in September, 2021.
June 22 - July 3
During the voting round from June 22 - July 3, the winners of the CIGAR TROPHY 2020 AWARDS will be chosen in each category.
Starting Time GMT
Since the first Cigar Trophy was presented in 1998, Cigar Journal’s Awards have established themselves as the most sought-after distinction for exceptional cigars, brands, and service in the cigar world.
And since 2013, it’s up to the consumers to select the Awards for: Best Brand, Best Cigar, Best Value, Best Accessory and Best Lounge. Readers can submit their nominations and participate in the voting process to decide which producers come out on top.
Our editorial team decides on just a few categories by itself: the awards for: Outstanding Art, Charity & Community, Ambassador and, of course, Lifetime Achievement.
Read about previous winners of the CIGAR TROPHY AWARDS here: Cigar Trophy Winners
For 25 years, Cigar Journal has been dedicated to covering all angles of the cigar world and bringing together the global community of cigar smokers.
Our international writers and industry insiders offer up-close impressions from the unique and complex world of cigars, travel to cigar-producing countries, and interview industry power players from tobacco farmers to rollers and cigar producers – bringing these valuable insights directly to you at home.
From reports on the culture of cigar-producing countries and profiles of humidor makers to explanations of cigar science basics and industry news: the cigar is such a multifaceted creation that Cigar Journal has little room for other lifestyle themes. Cigar Journal gives you everything you wanted to know about cigars, and more.
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Award Ceremony
Virtual ceremony onSeptember 18, 20205pm CEST via Facebook/Instagram Livestream